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Home of the world’s most prestigious boarding schools 


Switzerland is the birthplace of the International Baccalaureate, and there are about 100 international schools in 10 different cities. They include the world's most expensive and top elite institutions, a symbol of true internationalization and aristocracy.  

Why Switzerland?

No. 1 in 總體最佳國家 Best Countries Overall**
No. 1 in 2022年全球創新指數 Global Innovation Index 2022
No. 1 in 2022年世界人才指數 World Talent Ranking 2022^
No. 1 in 對企業開放 Open for Business**
No. 1 in 公司總部 Headquarter a Corporation Ranking**
No. 2 in 2022年世界競爭力指數 World Competitive Ranking 2022^
No. 2 in 開始職業生涯 Start a Career Ranking**
No. 4 in 2022年世界幸福報告 World Happiness Report 2022^^
No. 4 in 生活質量 Quality of Life**
No. 6 in 教育排名 Education Ranking**
No. 6 in 孩子成長 Raising Children Ranking**
No. 7 in 創業 Entrepreneurship**
No. 8 in 社會目的 Social Purpose**

**美國新聞 2022; ^IMD; ^^可持續發展解決方案網絡
US News 2022; ^IMD; ^^Sustainable Development Solutions Network 

Nobel Prize Laureates & Olympics Gold Medalists

共有 27 位諾貝爾獎獲得者(世界排名第 9)
Total 27 Nobel Prize winners (No. 9 in the world)
63 枚冬奧會金牌(世界排名第 8)
63 gold medals in Winter Olympics (No. 8 in the world)
冬奧會共獲得 163 枚獎牌(世界排名第 9)
Total 163 medals in Winter Olympics ( No. 9 in the world) 

Bilingual environment & different Curriculum options

國際文憑課程 International Baccalaureate
英國高級程度考試課程 / IGCSE 課程 (Advanced) Levels / IGCSE
瑞士馬圖拉課程 Swiss Matura
法國文憑課程 French Baccalaureate
德國高中畢業證書課程 German Abitur
美國高中文憑課程 American High School Diploma
AP 大學預修課程 AP Advanced Placement 

酒店管理學發源地 Birthplace of Hospitality

2023 QS 世界大學排名(酒店與好客款待管理)
2023 QS World University Rankings (Hospitality & Leisure Management)
No. 1 洛桑酒店學院 The École Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)
No. 4 格里昂高等教育學院 Glion Institute of Higher Education
No. 5 理諾士全球酒店教育 Les Roches Int’l School of Hotel Management 

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