Switzerland is the birthplace of the International Baccalaureate, and there are about 100 international schools in 10 different cities. They include the world's most expensive and top elite institutions, a symbol of true internationalization and aristocracy.
No. 1 in 總體最佳國家 Best Countries Overall**
No. 1 in 2022年全球創新指數 Global Innovation Index 2022
No. 1 in 2022年世界人才指數 World Talent Ranking 2022^
No. 1 in 對企業開放 Open for Business**
No. 1 in 公司總部 Headquarter a Corporation Ranking**
No. 2 in 2022年世界競爭力指數 World Competitive Ranking 2022^
No. 2 in 開始職業生涯 Start a Career Ranking**
No. 4 in 2022年世界幸福報告 World Happiness Report 2022^^
No. 4 in 生活質量 Quality of Life**
No. 6 in 教育排名 Education Ranking**
No. 6 in 孩子成長 Raising Children Ranking**
No. 7 in 創業 Entrepreneurship**
No. 8 in 社會目的 Social Purpose**
**美國新聞 2022; ^IMD; ^^可持續發展解決方案網絡
US News 2022; ^IMD; ^^Sustainable Development Solutions Network
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