Summer camps 在歐美國家一直廣受歡迎,每年參加的人數眾多,火速爆滿,有興趣參加的您們,請密切留意,不要錯過!
Summer camps have always been popular in European and American countries. There is a large number of participants every year, and the programs are fully booked quickly. Don't miss out if you're interested in joining us this year!
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Glion Msc International Hospitality Business 於2022年的7月在意大利的 Business Field Trip,去了Florence, Pisa 和 Vila Lena,進行了為期5天的商務考察。
Glion Msc International Hospitality Business will go to Florence, Pisa and Vila Lena on the Business Field Trip in Italy in July 2022 for a 5-day business investigation.
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該課程名為 “奢侈品行業:客戶和奢侈品體驗”,於 5 月 16 日推出,包含三個授課模塊,每個模塊時長 3 小時。
The course, entitled “The Luxury Industry: Customers and Luxury Experiences”, launches on 16th May and incorporates three taught modules of 3 hours’ duration each.
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