Leysin American School (LAS)
We are thrilled to announce the Leysin American School (LAS) Hong Kong Scholarship Program, a prestigious opportunity for exceptional Hong Kong students.
瑞士萊辛美國際學校(LAS)致力於培養有價值的香港學生的才能。該獎學金計劃旨在支持在家鄉展現出優秀學術和課外成就的優秀學生,而在升學時面臨經濟壓力。LAS對學術卓越和可及性的承諾,其香港獎學金計劃將為所需學生提供財務支援,每年為合格學生提供60,000瑞士法郎的資助。獲獎者不僅得到學費資助,還將獲得指導和引導,在LAS的學術和個人發展上獲得成功。我們邀請所有符合資格的香港學生,且對 10 年級或 11 年級並攻讀國際文憑課程感興趣的您們,抓住這一具有轉化力的機遇,申請這項享有盛譽的獎學金。加入LAS這大家庭,並展開一段充滿學術卓越、個人成長和全球公民意識的旅程。請立即申請,讓我們在瑞士的萊辛美國國際學校培育您的才華和理想。
We are dedicated to nurturing the talents of deserving Hong Kong students and providing them the means to achieve their educational aspirations. This scholarship program aims to support talented individuals who have demonstrated outstanding academic and extracurricular achievements in their home country but face financial constraints when pursuing higher education at LAS. As a testament to our commitment to academic excellence and accessibility, the LAS Hong Kong Scholarship Program bridges the financial gap, providing CHF 60,000 per year to deserving students. Beyond financial support, recipients will also gain access to mentorship and guidance, ensuring their successful academic and personal development throughout their educational journey at LAS. We invite all eligible Hong Kong students applying for grade 10 or 11 and pursuing the International Baccalaureate Diploma to seize this transformative opportunity and apply for this prestigious scholarship. Join us at LAS and embark on a path of academic excellence, personal growth, and global citizenship. Apply now and let us nurture your talents and aspirations at the Leysin American School in Switzerland.
Scholarship Amount: CHF 60,000 per year
Eligibility Criteria:
• Applicants must be Hong Kong citizens and living in Hong Kong
• Must be applying for grade 10 or 11 at LAS and will be doing the International
Baccalaureate Diploma
• Demonstrated academic excellence in their home country.
• Have a mainstream level of English
• Active participation and notable achievements in extracurricular activities.
• Proven financial need, as evidenced by the inability to meet the total tuition cost.
• Interested candidates should submit a comprehensive scholarship application, including academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement.
• A scholarship committee will review all applications and select recipients based on the criteria mentioned above.
• Renewal: The scholarship is renewable each year, contingent upon the recipient's continued academic success and active involvement in extracurricular activities at LAS.
• Benefits: In addition to financial support, scholarship recipients will have access to mentorship and guidance to ensure their successful academic and personal development while at LAS.
與Gliding Education進行面試
Prospective candidates interested in applying for the scholarship should follow these steps:
1. Submit online application and mark you are applying for scholarship
2. Prepare the required documents, including academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and an essay/video
3. Fill in the two documents on the checklist: the List of Achievements Form and Statement of Need
4. Submit the completed application and all supporting documents by January 31, 2024
If the initial submission submissions is approved, applicant moves to the next step(s).
• Interview with Gliding Education
• Interview with Scholarship Committee
• Final Decision
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