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代辦 "瑞士升學夏日體驗營" !!
FIRST to cooperate with

famous Swiss Schools;
Promoting "Summer 
Camp Experience" in Switzerland !!

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Swiss Summer Camps

Summer camps 在歐美國家一直廣受歡迎,每年參加的人數眾多,火速爆滿,有興趣參加的您們,請密切留意,不要錯過!

Summer camps have always been popular in European and American countries. There is a large number of participants every year, and the programs are fully booked quickly. Don't miss out if you're interested in joining us this year!

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Hospitality Studies - A major that is often misunderstood


If you get a degree in Hotel Management or Hospitality, does it mean you can only work in the hotels?" What are the career prospects for Hospitality Studies?

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Swiss Boarding Schools

瑞士是國際文憑課程的發源地,同時也有大約 100 所國際學校,分佈在 10 個不同的城市,它們包括世界上最昂貴的頂級精英學府,是真正國際化和貴族的象徵。

Switzerland is the birthplace of the International Baccalaureate, and there are about 100 international schools in 10 different cities. They include the world's most expensive and top elite institutions, a symbol of true internationalization and aristocracy. 

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Why Switzerland?

瑞士是國際文憑課程的發源地,同時也有大約 100 所國際學校,分佈在 10 個不同的城市,它們包括世界上最昂貴的頂級精英學府,是真正國際化和貴族的象徵。瑞士教育課程為理論與實踐兼備,鼓勵環球實習和工作機會。瑞士教育機構在世界各地的雇主中受到高度尊重

Switzerland is the birthplace of the International Baccalaureate, and there are about 100 international schools in 10 different cities. They include the world's most expensive and top elite institutions, a symbol of true internationalization and aristocracy. Swiss educational courses that combine theoretical and practical training encourage internships and employment opportunities worldwide. Swiss institutions of education are highly respected by employers around the globe.

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Subscribe to us to get latest updates, insights and exhibition activities about Studying in Switzerland! 

Studying in Switzerland Updates

山上生活 Life on the Mountain


Expeditions are a core part of the student experience. In this video, we accompany a group on a via ferrata course to learn more about why expeditions have remained a central requirement of the programme. Students and staff reflect on what it means to be a mountain school and how this programme encourages growth.

寄宿生活 Boarding Life 
你夢想的學校是什麼樣的?What does your dream school look like?

▪️ “我夢想有一所看起來像城堡的學校,在那裡我可以成為任何我想要的人。”
  "I dream of a school that looks like a castle, where I can be anything I want.”
▪️ “一所學校打開了一個充滿機遇的世界。”
  “A school that opens up a world of opportunities.”
▪️ “一所學校,每個人都認識我,讓我有賓至如歸的感覺。”
  “A school where everyone knows me and makes me feel at home.”
▪️ “一所學校挑戰我讓世界變得更美好。”
  “A school that challenges me to make the world a better place.”
▪️ “一所幫助我發現我是誰的學校。”
  “A school that helps me discover who I am.”
▪️ “一所幫助我與世界溝通的學校。”
  “A school that helps me to communicate with the world.”
▪️ “一所我可以融入大自然的學校。”
  “A school where I can be part of nature.”
▪️ “一所學校推動我取得成功,並為我的未來做好準備。”
  “A school that drives me to succeed and prepares me for the future.”

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